爱丽丝逻辑谜题8月上线,敬请期待 li, Mickey 3 年前 白兔先生 首页 » 逻辑启蒙 » 爱丽丝逻辑谜题8月上线,敬请期待 爱丽丝逻辑谜题 | 作为家喻户晓的儿童故事《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,大家对其中的故事和细节一定还有些困惑和不解吧? 1898 Alice In Wonderland playing cards. This is Set 10 from a deck of 19th century playing cards "The new and diverting game of Alice In Wonderland", consisting of 48 playing cards with drawings faithfully copied by Miss E. Gertrude Thomson from original drawings by Sir John Tenniel, as they appeared in the 1896 edition of the book "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll. The manufacturer is Thomas de la Rue (London). The 48 cards are arranged in sixteen sets of three cards, each set bearing the same number. One card in each set is the “leading” card and shows the title of the other two cards. Set 10 includes Bill the Lizard and the White Rabbit. 爱丽丝逻辑谜题 | 作者刘易斯·卡罗尔不仅是儿童作家,还是著名的逻辑学家、数学家,他创作的故事中蕴藏深意,充满了押韵和谜题,在150年来为世界各国的爱好者们所吸引和怀念,今天就让我们一起从爱丽丝故事入手,以故事、儿歌和谜题来进行这一故事中的些许内涵做些窥探,从中了解一些不为常人所知的冷知识。 下面就让我们一起来揭开这套故事内容吧~ 自媒体链接